Monday, October 22, 2007

just another illustration...
Week before that we had some kind of "worming up week". The idea was to get comfortable with the group by doing some small tasks and the goal was to prepare for the main task which was the experience technology module, which I described a bit more in the last post. Anyway during this short period of "worming up week" we developed a product that is called S.L.F Sound Like a Fish which looks like this:

It is an aquarium (and the final product is represented by the last sketch to the right). Small black fishes are playing a beautiful sound by coming in contact with the laser beams inside the tank. Actually this product is an crossover between an aquarium and a harp.

I will post soon a better rendering of this magical product, made in Maya.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ok, I haven't been posting here for a while. Actually for a really long time. Mostly because I´v been really busy with latest Hyper-modules like Experience technology and some freelance work. If teacher in the school knew about this they would probably kill me. :)

Anyway, like I said. I had a lot to do, and many things has been done. During this period I´v been posting in two other blogs that were connected to the Experience Technology module so if you want to read a bit more about i, try out following links:

Here you can follow our whole process. Meanwhile I will show here some illustrations and pictures that I made during the project.

This manual explains the whole project and our idea for the exhibition which was held last week . The truth is that we had many technical difficulties since the final "product" consisted of meters and meters of action script 3.0 programing. But anyway I must say that I was very happy with the final result.
